New members’ flying skills tend to fall into three categories: 1) those who are already competent pilots, 2) those who are returning to the hobby and may not have flown for some years, and 3) those who have never flown before. Regardless of your flying skills, once you become a member, we’ll arrange for you to meet up at the field with one of our Club Instructors who’ll assess your flying competence and run through the club’s field rules.
Before new members can fly unsupervised at LAM they must first be signed-off as competent by a Club Instructor, and we’ll tailor your flying assessment based on your flying experience. For example:
Competent Pilot – if you’re already a competent pilot, this will most likely be just a straightforward flying session along with an introduction to the club’s field rules.
Returning to the Hobby – If you’re returning to the hobby after a few years away, this is likely to be a refresher course tailored to suit your needs.
Never Flown Before – If you’ve never flown RC models before, don’t worry, we’ll get you in the air on day one, and the section on Learning to Fly is just for you.